LS1 Teacher Inquiry

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

2018 Teacher Inquiry

This year I will be looking into lifting maths achievement in my group of year 4, 5, and 6 learners through vocabulary and oral language.

I have noticed for some time now, many children coming up into my class have gaps in core maths knowledge such as number sequence past 100; basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts; and sharing/division objects and sets of things. In particular, one of the most commonly occurring observations I have made is misunderstandings of key vocabulary/ concepts such as 'before', 'after', or 'share', and their relationship to the language of maths problems they may encounter when needing to explain a problem or reading a test. These observations have continued to the beginning couple of weeks of this year leading me to the hunch that working with vocabulary and core maths concepts will lift achievement for my group of learners.